
The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower

I went and saw the Eiffel Tower and it was spectacular! I went all the way to the top and the view was amazing!

My favorite view of the Eiffel Tower is actually from underneath it. Just stand directly in the center and look up. You will gain a true respect for the genius behind this structure.

Our tour guide told us about Erica Eiffel, a 42-year old woman who is an archery world champion. Erica is the woman who famously “married” the Eiffel Tower in a commitment ceremony in 2007.

But beware, if you go to the Eiffel Tower do not sign anything for anyone or buy anything from wandering sellers because they will both try to pickpocket you! ( And, there is the fact that it is illegal to be a wandering seller of merchandise.)

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